Your time is full of intent, but if you reflect back - how often do you do what you intend? Our actions are usually trying to reach some outcome, but are haphazard and habit-driven. What if we made that outcome explicit, and made our calendars reflect specific processes instead of vague outcomes?
Published: 8/12/2022Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
Change is inevitable, but it's not always what we think it will be. Our framework for change should be ready for change we don't expect as much or more than for change we do expect.
Published: 8/10/2022Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
The flow of change is inevitable. Are you building with it, or ignoring it in vane?
Published: 8/6/2022Length: ~6m↓ Download this Episode
What if status meant something different? Your status meeting overload is probably a symptom of a more important problem: you're not sure what you're measuring against.
Published: 8/3/2022Length: ~12m↓ Download this Episode
Lower cognitive load by picking your tools, and then using them. Avoid the constant evaluation of tooling; it's an intuitive response to the amazing leverage you experienced when you first picked up the tools you have, but now your highest leverage activity is focus.
Published: 7/27/2022Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
Lower cognitive load by looking at your primary activities and modes, and creating cues that help you shortcut to those modes. This importantly gives you a better signal and a spike in cognitive load when something comes up that doesn't match your primary activities and modes.
Published: 7/25/2022Length: ~12m↓ Download this Episode
Cognitive load will destroy your productivity. In this mini-series, we talk about ways to reduce your cognitive load. In this episode we talk about limiting work, and everything else, in progress.
Published: 7/22/2022Length: ~12m↓ Download this Episode
Cognitive load will destroy your productivity. In this mini-series, we talk about ways to reduce your cognitive load. In this episode we talk about the unexpected effects of surprise on cognitive load, and what you can do about this in your work.
Published: 7/20/2022Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
The systems that play a role in producing your thoughts are a huge leverage opportunity in your work and life. If you pause and examine those systems through a lens of systems-thinking, you are likely to identify opportunities for improvement, even if only as a byproduct of that investigation.
Published: 7/13/2022Length: ~12m↓ Download this Episode
If you only look at your experience, you fall prey to anecdotal evidence and a whole host of other biases. But, we should be learning through iteration and empiricism. So how can we? Seek the outside view, without abandoning your experience.
Published: 7/11/2022Length: ~8m↓ Download this Episode
Your organizational efficiency is directly related to how you manage information, and information is lost when your organization is chronically lacking transparency.
Published: 7/8/2022Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
Once you have the right meetings with the right people, it's time to look at the content of the meeting itself. In this episode we discuss possible red flags that may show up in your meetings, and what kinds of problems these flags may signal.
Published: 7/7/2022Length: ~15m↓ Download this Episode
Defining your audience is critical to a good meeting. If you haven't defined your audience... who is the meeting even for?
Published: 6/30/2022Length: ~9m↓ Download this Episode
Better meetings are not a myth, but it starts with deconstructing how you got to where you are today. A hectic calendar and meetings showing up like popcorn. What can you do to improve this? Managers and individual contributors can start by focusing on what the goal of the meeting is. If the goal of the meeting is to solve a problem, that's a yellow flag.
Published: 6/27/2022Length: ~12m↓ Download this Episode
Competency is not the only way you can grow your career. If that was the case, then every engineering manager would be technically more proficient than their reports, and I can guarantee (from many experiences) this is not only not the case - it's not even the norm.
Published: 6/23/2022Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
Sometimes a small question can change the course of your career. It doesn't have to be complicated, and it doesn't have to be detailed. A well placed question might unearth information you didn't realize was in you.
Published: 6/21/2022Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode, I give you one question that is considered taboo (for some unknown reason) often in the workplace: What Do You Want? Amazingly, this diverse question is at the root of some of the most important conversations you'll have in your career. You are, after all, a human working with other humans - each with their own unique desires.
Published: 6/15/2022Length: ~9m↓ Download this Episode
Play isn't just for kids. In today's episode we'll reframe what play means, and why it's a principle for great work and lifelong learning.
Published: 6/13/2022Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
When you find something that is counterintuitive, it's possible that it will create immense value to whatever problem you are trying to solve. Seek to interrogate your beliefs to build better explanations for what is true, and find those who disagree with you at an intuitive level.
Published: 6/8/2022Length: ~16m↓ Download this Episode
Productivity is about working towards your goals, and optimization is about sharpening those efforts more directly. We talk about two forks in the road when you choose the types of optimization you'll deploy in your career and personal life.
Published: 6/6/2022Length: ~18m↓ Download this Episode