In today's episode we talk about closures and private object methods. Today's episode is brought to you by! Check out for more podcasts and content for developers and designers.
Published: 9/2/2015Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode, I'll talk about choosing the best tool vs. choosing the right tool for a job. Be sure to check out:, where you can join the Developer Tea slack channel and join the conversation.
Published: 8/31/2015Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode I review decorator and facade patterns. Special thanks to today's sponsor: DigitalOcean. Go to to get started on cloud hosting. Use the promo code "DEVELOPER TEA" at the checkout after you create your account to get a $10 credit!
Published: 8/28/2015Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
Today's listener question is about working on side projects in the same space as your day job. Today's Sponsor: Harvest. Harvest is a great way to track your time and send invoices. Try it free for 30 days at and use promo code TEATIME to get 50% off your first paid month.
Published: 8/26/2015Length: ~22m↓ Download this Episode
Today's episode is about repeating yourself, and knowing when to repeat yourself and when not to. Thanks to today's sponsor: Code School. Visit to start learning web technologies from the comfort of your own browser for free.
Published: 8/24/2015Length: ~14m↓ Download this Episode
Today I'm going to be sharing the simple perspective shift that helped me understand how valuable programming is, and billing for your features, not the amount of time you spend building it. Today's episode is presented by DigitalOcean. Go to to get started, and use the promo code "DEVELOPER TEA" at the checkout after you create your account to get a $10 credit!
Published: 8/21/2015Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
Today we continue our discussion on The Twelve-Factor App. In this episode, we'll be focusing on dependencies and config, offering tips along the way. Thanks to Harvest, today's sponsor. Go to and try out their time tracking software for 30 days. After your trial use code TEATIME to get 50% off your first month.
Published: 8/19/2015Length: ~13m↓ Download this Episode
Today's episode will be focused around codebase also known as a repository. We'll talk about understanding codebase, implementing techniques and deploying. Special thanks to today's sponsor: Hired. Check out for free, no obligation job searching and let employers come to you. If you or someone you know is looking for a job in development or design, get on
Published: 8/17/2015Length: ~15m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode I'll dig into mutable states and go over two things you can do to get away from relying on states. Today's episode is powered by Code School. Code School is an online learning destination for existing and aspiring developers that teaches through entertaining content. Visit for more information and start playing courses now.
Published: 8/15/2015Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode, I talk about the importance of stopping assumptions in their tracks by reading manuals. I'll go over documentation, and tips to get you started on the fundamentals of manual reading. Today's episode is presented by DigitalOcean. Go to to get started, and use the promo code DEVELOPER TEA at the checkout after you create your account to get a $10 credit!
Published: 8/12/2015Length: ~15m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode, I talk about intentional problem solving and challenge listeners to stop reaching for the quickest answer and instead experience the problem. This episode is made possible by Hired is your free, no obligation resource for job searching. If you or someone you know is out there searching for a design or development job or contract work be sure to check out
Published: 8/10/2015Length: ~14m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode I answer the listener question, "What should a beginner like me work on?" Aside from being a better coder, where should you expand knowledge on? Thanks to today's sponsor, Harvest. Harvest is your time tracking tool built to save you...well, time. Visit and give it a try free for 30 days. After your trial, enter code TEATIME at checkout and save 50% off your first month.
Published: 8/7/2015Length: ~22m↓ Download this Episode
On Today's episode, I talk about making a good first impression. How can we engineer memorable moments that will have a positive impact on how people remember your product or service? Today's episode is brought to you by Hired. Hired is your free, no obligation resource for job searching. If you or someone you know is looking for a design or development job be sure to check out
Published: 8/5/2015Length: ~13m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode I review why focus is so important to coding. Today's episode is presented by DigitalOcean. Go to to get started, and use the promo code DEVELOPER TEA at the checkout after you create your account to get a $10 credit!
Published: 8/3/2015Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
Today's episode, I answer a listener question from Janus, who focuses primarily on User Experience and Design. Today's episode is brought to you by Hired. Hired is your free, no obligation resource for job searching. If you or someone you know is looking for a job in development or design check out
Published: 7/31/2015Length: ~22m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode, I'll talk about what strengths can help you recognize which skills to become a master at. Today's episode is sponsored by Code School. Code School is an online learning destination for existing and aspiring developers that teaches through entertaining content. Visit for more information and start playing courses now.
Published: 7/29/2015Length: ~18m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode, I talk about the disposability of our computing resources, code testing tips, and how to intermingle coding with planning. Today's episode is presented by DigitalOcean. Go to to get started, and use the promo code "DEVELOPERTEA" at the checkout after you create your account to get a $10 credit!
Published: 7/27/2015Length: ~8m↓ Download this Episode
Clients are never happy when hearing that you've underestimated how long a project will take in reality. In today's episode, I talk about how to anchor your estimations and keep your clients happy, and a quick tip to get you there. Thanks to today's sponsor, Harvest. Harvest is your time tracking tool built to save you...well, time. Visit and give it a try for 30 days for free. After your trial, enter code TEATIME at checkout and save 50% off your first month.
Published: 7/24/2015Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode I'll talk about the importance of refactoring your software, identifying when you should refactor your code and tips and techniques for optimal refactoring to keep your code easier to maintain and easier for future extension. Today's episode is brought to you by Hired. Hired is your free, no obligation resource for job searching. If you or someone you know is looking for a job in development or design check out
Published: 7/22/2015Length: ~16m↓ Download this Episode
Today we'll explore what the difference is between a junior and senior level developer, basic characteristics, and how to get from junior, to mid and senior programing levels. Today's episode is sponsored by Code School. Code School is an online learning destination for existing and aspiring developers that teaches through entertaining content. Visit for more information and start playing courses now.
Published: 7/20/2015Length: ~22m↓ Download this Episode