We all have some kind of motivation. But in error, we assume we know the motivations of others, and we also assume that our future selves will act in alignment with well-intentioned motivations. Both of these assumptions can lead us to poor decisions about our career. For managers, that assumption can lead you to making decisions for others that are suboptimal to their goals. In this episode we talk about the importance of alignment and clarity for those motivations.
Published: 4/4/2022Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
How do you keep the big picture in mind while also executing on the details? In today's episode we talk about the three-part pyramid that represents the big picture. We also overuse alliterations a bit in the episode, hopefully it helps you remember it!
Published: 3/30/2022Length: ~16m↓ Download this Episode
What should I do if I don't have a manager? There's a lot of answers to this question, but the first route I want to suggest is to find someone who can provide the guidance and empowerment you need in your career. This is someone who has skin in the game and the agency and skill set to actually help you.
Published: 3/28/2022Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode, we talk with Swizec Teller, senior engineer at Tia. Swizec created SeniorMindset.com, discuss the differentiators and mindset shift when becoming a senior engineering mindset. If you missed the first episode, make sure you go back and listen to that first!
Published: 3/23/2022Length: ~41m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode, we talk with Swizec Teller, senior engineer at Tia. Swizec created SeniorMindset.com, discuss the differentiators and mindset shift when becoming a senior engineering mindset. If you missed the first episode, make sure you go back and listen to that first!
Published: 3/21/2022Length: ~34m↓ Download this Episode
What does a good 1-on-1 look like? We'll answer this in many different ways. For today's episode, I want to share a micro-framework for you to try out in your next 1-on-1 that could elicit some of your career's most critical conversations.
Published: 3/18/2022Length: ~7m↓ Download this Episode
What should I look for in a healthy relationship with my manager? In this episode we talk about a variety of signals that you can expect if you have the right kind of relationship with your manager.
Published: 3/14/2022Length: ~18m↓ Download this Episode
In this episode we are kicking off a series called "Better Report, Better Manager" - in this series, we'll discuss how you can improve your relationship with your manager from a practical standpoint. Your relationship with your managers is likely one of the most critical relationships you'll have in your career. In this episode, we'll start by getting you aligned with your manager by asking 3 calibration questions.
Published: 3/11/2022Length: ~23m↓ Download this Episode
Your status meetings are an old holdover from less useful business practices. Do away with status meetings, and instead get to the core of your discussion faster.
Published: 3/7/2022Length: ~14m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode we discuss two principles that will help you make better software design decisions. Talk about these principles and how they apply with your manager, teammates, mentors, or other engineers in your community!
Published: 3/2/2022Length: ~12m↓ Download this Episode
Defining what your tools, teams, processes, and even you yourself are good at is hard, and often we stray past the boundaries of focus that would keep us performing to an optimal degree. In this episode, I encourage you to perform an exercise of inversion, to look at tasks your tools are simply not suited for.
Published: 2/28/2022Length: ~9m↓ Download this Episode
Our ability to make sense out of things is powerful. When we hear "90% of the way there", our brain fills in the gaps and often stretches that to mean "basically 100%." However, this is a cognitive error. In this episode, we talk about the importance of combining statistical thinking with sensemaking.
Published: 2/24/2022Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
Opportunity comes in moments of convergence. Loss is measured in divergence. Pay attention to what is converging now - this is how you take advantage of opportunities and reduce your cost from divergence.
Published: 2/22/2022Length: ~12m↓ Download this Episode
Everything we do in our teams is based on trust. Trust, however, is a limited resource. We should spend it wisely.
Published: 2/17/2022Length: ~16m↓ Download this Episode
You're a new engineer - what should you start doing in your first 30 days? In this episode, we talk about 3 behaviors you might be resisting, but that you should actually embrace in order to improve your team. Managers especially need to listen up on this one.
Published: 2/14/2022Length: ~18m↓ Download this Episode
In the mid 20th century, Marshall Mcluhan brought philosophy into the spotlight with his claim that the "medium is the message." We discuss the meaningfulness of this, and apply it to our work as engineers and on distributed teams, in today's episode.
Published: 2/10/2022Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
The world around us isn't static, but our brain processes as if it is. In this episode we talk about subtle shifts to help break that mold for the most important interactions we have in the world.
Published: 2/8/2022Length: ~17m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode, we discuss the fact that intuition isn't all that bad to use when estimating... we just shouldn't use it to estimate a number. Taking advantage of things humans are already good at (rather than limiting people to processes that work around those skills) is a powerful shift in thinking.
Published: 2/3/2022Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
When we have context, we predict more accurately. When we translate numbers into more meaningful concepts, we create context where previously things were fuzzy. This makes our predictions more meaningful and grounded.
Published: 2/1/2022Length: ~9m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode we talk about a concept called excessive cohesion - when our brains fill in the gaps when information is missing. This is an important function of our brains, but sometimes it can lead us to wrong conclusions or faulty processes.
Published: 1/27/2022Length: ~15m↓ Download this Episode