Take a moment to think about the tools you use to do your development work? What text editor are you using? Which web browser are you defaulting to? In today's episode, we're talking about tools that you could be using or already are using and intentions we can put in place to make them better.
Published: 5/4/2018Length: ~19m↓ Download this Episode
What is your plan for today? Where are you going to go and what people are you going to interact with? A lot of the decisions we make become automatic. That's what we're talking about today with [Max Hawkins](https://twitter.com/maxhawkins). Max was also on [NPR's Invisibilia podcast](https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2017/06/08/531796329/eager-to-burst-his-own-bubble-a-techie-made-apps-to-randomize-his-life) and we reference his episode a few times in this part 2 of our conversation with Max as well as the part 1 episode.
Published: 5/2/2018Length: ~37m↓ Download this Episode
What is your plan for today? Where are you going to go and what people are you going to interact with? A lot of the decisions we make become automatic. That's what we're talking about today with [Max Hawkins](https://twitter.com/maxhawkins). Max was also on [NPR's Invisibilia podcast](https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2017/06/08/531796329/eager-to-burst-his-own-bubble-a-techie-made-apps-to-randomize-his-life) and we reference his episode a few times in this part 1 episode and the part 2 episode.
Published: 4/30/2018Length: ~46m↓ Download this Episode
What is on your mind? Today we are talking about ways we can inspect our default state of mind.
Published: 4/27/2018Length: ~18m↓ Download this Episode
Think about the last 5....20 and 100 days. If you're like most people then most of those days had one thing in common that you can draw a line between and say you repeated. Today, we're talking about the daily things that we have control over, how we cultivate habit and how we can change our habits.
Published: 4/25/2018Length: ~16m↓ Download this Episode
If you've ever known a small child, then you've probably noticed that when they get hurt, they react by running to an adult for consolation. We'd like to think that we grow out of this as adults, but we need to be taught to manage a situation. Today, we're talking about the concept of being a tattletale and knowing when it's helpful and when it's hurtful.
Published: 4/23/2018Length: ~16m↓ Download this Episode
The episode wraps up our week of practical applications. In today's episode, we're talking about why we don't pick up a new tool, keep our documentation up to date, and why we're not following New Year's resolutions. More broadly put, we're talking about habits. Why some stick and why others don't.
Published: 4/20/2018Length: ~14m↓ Download this Episode
This week we're talking about practical things and today we're talking about 3 psychological realities that can help you connect better with your coworkers.
Published: 4/18/2018Length: ~18m↓ Download this Episode
This week we're going to get very practical. Today we're talking about identifying code smells (very common ones) and a few ways to fix them.
Published: 4/16/2018Length: ~22m↓ Download this Episode
What do great learners have in common? In today's episode we're talking about are the common factors of successful people and what we can learn from their experiences.
Published: 4/13/2018Length: ~20m↓ Download this Episode
Do you know what makes you happy? In today's episode we're talking about what it means to be happy and how to connect to our happiness when it changes from moment to moment
Published: 4/11/2018Length: ~23m↓ Download this Episode
What does it mean to write good code? In today's episode we're answering this question with the use of a heuristic.
Published: 4/9/2018Length: ~12m↓ Download this Episode
Biases are going to change the way you view statistics. In today's episode we're talking about different ways you can work around your biases.
Published: 4/6/2018Length: ~22m↓ Download this Episode
Today we're talking about ways that we exacerbate ways of seeing things clearly. More specifically we're determining how to uncover truth as it relates to our surroundings, or inspection.
Published: 4/4/2018Length: ~19m↓ Download this Episode
We've established that statistics are useful and more relevant in our day-to-day work life, but how do statistics effect our personal selves? In Today's episode we're talking about what statistics mean for our personal selves.
Published: 4/2/2018Length: ~21m↓ Download this Episode
What makes discussions about statistics sound cold? In today's episode we're breaking down the etymology of statistics, how it's evolved over the years and how we can make better decisions based on real statistics.
Published: 3/30/2018Length: ~17m↓ Download this Episode
How is it that we know the right things to do but often don't do them? In today's episode we'll be discussing internal operations that are so clearly correct but sometimes we fail to do it.
Published: 3/28/2018Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
No matter what problem you're trying to solve, if you can create a structure to approach the problem you'll be faster at solving it. Today, I'll be sharing with you two strategies to help you structure your problem solving practice.
Published: 3/26/2018Length: ~16m↓ Download this Episode
Most of us grow up learning skills to help us take care of things. Unfortunately we are not often taught how to keep our minds clear. In today's episode we're talking about ways to regularly help reduce our stress and maintain a healthy mindset.
Published: 3/23/2018Length: ~24m↓ Download this Episode
Today's episode is all about the "now" that will lead you into the future. You may have grand visions of what happens in 10 years or even 20 years down the road, but what about today? How can you connect your purpose to today?
Published: 3/21/2018Length: ~14m↓ Download this Episode