in today's episode, I get to talk with fellow developer and podcaster Patrick Hill about balancing hobbies and work life. Today's episode is brought to you by Hired. A free, no obligation resource for job searching. If you or someone you know is looking for a job in development or design check out If you or your referral lands the job, Hired will give you $4,000 as a thank you bonus!
Published: 7/17/2015Length: ~51m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode, Grant and I discuss his book, Taming Text, how he got into Natural Language Processing (NLP), and discover what he thinks is the next big problem to be solved in text and language analysis. This episode is brought to you by Codeschool. Code School has recently launched a second course on SQL, titled, "The Sequel to SQL." Check it out at
Published: 7/15/2015Length: ~28m↓ Download this Episode
Today marks our 100th episode of Developer Tea. To celebrate, today's episode, is dedicated to improvement. I'll talk about the importance of improvement as a developer and as a person, give four tips for continuous improvement, and end with an exciting announcement! Today's episode is brought to you by OneMonth. Head over to to get started learning Ruby on Rails in month, and receive a limited-time 25% discount!
Published: 7/13/2015Length: ~14m↓ Download this Episode
Today I talk about more reasons to have a daily routine. This episode is presented by Code School. Go to to learn about their latest SQL course, "The Sequel to SQL".
Published: 7/10/2015Length: ~12m↓ Download this Episode
Today, I dive into what helps us make good decisions, what hinders our ability to make those good decisions and tips to recognize biases so you can continue to make good decisions on a regular basis. Today's episode is presented by DigitalOcean. Go to to get started, and use the promo code "DEVELOPER TEA" at the checkout after you create your account to get a $10 credit!
Published: 7/8/2015Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode I talk about the positive and negative effects of laziness, and the overlap between simplicity and complexity. Today's episode is sponsored by - Head over to to get started learning Ruby on Rails in month, and receive a limited-time 25% discount!
Published: 7/6/2015Length: ~7m↓ Download this Episode
Estimation is so hard to do. Today, I talk about overcoming estimation obstacles, and some tactics to help you along the way. Today's episode is presented by DigitalOcean. Go to to get started, and use the promo code "DEVELOPER TEA" at the checkout after you create your account to get a $10 credit!
Published: 7/3/2015Length: ~12m↓ Download this Episode
In the second half of the two-part interview with Russ, we talk about the importance of testing, testing methods, and how to stay productive. Thanks to today's sponsor, imgix. imgix is real-time image resizing as a service. It's FREE to sign up and easy to get started. Go to and let them handle your images, today!
Published: 7/1/2015Length: ~42m↓ Download this Episode
During today's first half of a two-part interview, I have the pleasure of talking with Russ Taylor. Russ works on the continuous integration team at Etsy. Today's episode is brought to you by Head over to to get started learning Ruby on Rails in just one month, and receive a limited-time 25% discount!
Published: 6/30/2015Length: ~28m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode, I talk about the fatal flaw of putting things off 'til tomorrow, and the simple, yet difficult, solution to the imbalance of the demand we experience versus our capacity to accomplish those demands. Today's episode is sponsored by Codeship. Go to and use code DEVELOPERTEA for 20% off any premium hosted continuous integration platform.
Published: 6/26/2015Length: ~9m↓ Download this Episode
In Part Two of this episode Mackenzie Child and I talk about his 12 in 12 challenge, and making the switch from designer to developer. Today's episode is brought to you by Head over to to get started learning Ruby on Rails in just one month, and receive a limited-time 25% discount!
Published: 6/24/2015Length: ~25m↓ Download this Episode
I caught up with Mackenzie Child to talk about his 12 in 12 challenge, making concrete goals, and learning to recognize when you're overcommitting. This episode is brought to you by Raygun. Raygun detects every error in your software, the second they happen, finding bugs before your users do. Sign up for a FREE trial at
Published: 6/22/2015Length: ~17m↓ Download this Episode
Teaching is one of the best ways to solidify the skills and knowledge you know. During this episode, I'll talk about when to start teaching, how to start teaching, and three benefits of teaching.
Published: 6/19/2015Length: ~8m↓ Download this Episode
Today's listener question comes from Matthew, who asks: "How should I separate my social media identities, or should I separate my social media identities between professional and personal life?" This episode is sponsored by Head over to to get started learning Ruby on Rails in just one month, and receive a limited-time 25% discount!
Published: 6/17/2015Length: ~17m↓ Download this Episode
Today I talk about getting the most out of an internship. This episode is brought to you by Raygun. Raygun detects every error in your software, the second they happen, finding bugs before your users do. Sign up for a FREE trial at
Published: 6/16/2015Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
Thanks to you, and all of our other listeners Developer Tea has reached over 1,000,000 unique listens! To commemorate the occasion we've created an official Developer Tea t-shirt found exclusively on Cotton Bureau. Visit to pre-order your exclusive t-shirt. The last possible second to buy our design is Jun 18, 2015 at 8:00 PM EDT.
Published: 6/15/2015Length: ~8m↓ Download this Episode
On today's episode, I talk about the importance of forming an informed opinion by disecting two questions in github's [Front-End Developer Interview Questions repository.][1] This episode is sponsored by Head over to to get started learning Ruby on Rails in just one month, and receive a limited-time 25% discount!
Published: 6/12/2015Length: ~13m↓ Download this Episode
Today's episode was inspired by a listener question on job hunting and what makes you employable. This episode is sponsored by Intuit. Check out the developer sandbox and API explorer at to get started building apps for millions of small business today!
Published: 6/11/2015Length: ~18m↓ Download this Episode
Brianna and Andrew Norcross are a powerhouse of a couple. They started Reaktiv Studios, a WordPress-focused agency based in Florida. I spoke with Brianna and Andrew about how they have learned to work together as a married couple. If you missed it, make sure you check out Part 1 of this series.
Published: 6/10/2015Length: ~41m↓ Download this Episode
Brianna and Andrew Norcross are a powerhouse of a couple. They started Reaktiv Studios, a WordPress-focused agency based in Florida. I spoke with Brianna and Andrew about how they have learned to work together as a married couple. Be sure to subscribe if you don't want to miss part two! Show notes can be found at Today's sponsor is Codeship, a hosted continuous integration platform. Get started today at, and use the code developertea for 20% off any plan when you choose the premium plan!
Published: 6/8/2015Length: ~19m↓ Download this Episode