Focus on what you can control. Create incentives and language and internal narrative that produces the right actions within your locus of control. Avoid attaching your definition of success to things outside of your control.
Published: 11/14/2022Length: ~13m↓ Download this Episode
Don't buy in to the lie that you have to overwork to succeed. Not only is it not true, it's also dangerous - and the opposite is more accurate.
Published: 11/10/2022Length: ~18m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode, I provide a simple coaching tip on improved communication for software engineers. It's simple: always make precision explicit, and layer context. Start with precision, then create meaning on top.
Published: 11/7/2022Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
We don't think about the unexpected as a category of possible outcomes. This leads us to assign overestimated probabilities to things that are front of mind, and discount the likelihood of things we don't expect. This may lead us to prepare for expected events without consideration for what we'll do in the face of the unexpected.
Published: 11/2/2022Length: ~13m↓ Download this Episode
Look closer at the things that don't happen. Evaluate the options you never considered. When you are looking back, don't just judge based on actions and outcomes - look at the quality of decisions through the lens of information, and wonder: was there a better decision? Was there an option that was nearly as good, but this one was better?
Published: 10/31/2022Length: ~9m↓ Download this Episode
You can't wait for luck to strike, but you also won't always get what you deserve. Both of these are true - so, go make luck happen for you!
Published: 10/26/2022Length: ~7m↓ Download this Episode
Habits aren't built on their own. They are the result of environments. Reduce friction and create a positive reinforcement loop, and the habits will follow.
Published: 10/24/2022Length: ~9m↓ Download this Episode
What happens in high-stakes environments? Is the learning you do in your low-stakes environment actually helping you when you have skin in the game?
Published: 10/20/2022Length: ~12m↓ Download this Episode
Having trouble setting goals? Take a look at a different angle with the guided exercise in today's episode.
Published: 10/18/2022Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
Our goals usually take two forms: what we want to accomplish, and who we want to be. When we can align these things, we find cohesion in our goals, giving us more clarity and purpose.
Published: 10/12/2022Length: ~12m↓ Download this Episode
Two guidelines for better goal setting. First, goals don't stand alone. Second, ranges often beat arbitrary points.
Published: 10/10/2022Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
Stop and think about how you are spending your time. Time is constantly moving, whether we stop to recognize it or not. How will you spend it? These five powerful questions will help you reconfigure your time today.
Published: 10/5/2022Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
A short term mindset will focus on different things than a long term mindset. Neither is right or wrong, but what are you optimizing for? Once you answer this question, you can start to work towards finding a solution that balances both.
Published: 10/4/2022Length: ~8m↓ Download this Episode
Your best tool is your next question.
Published: 9/28/2022Length: ~12m↓ Download this Episode
Diffuse thinking produces options and draws connections. Focused thinking narrows things down to a specific path. Use them both, and watch for when they collide.
Published: 9/26/2022Length: ~7m↓ Download this Episode
Doing nothing seems like it would be easy... But it seems that action is often easier than doing nothing. Sometimes, perhaps often, action is the right choice. However, if there is no reason to believe one action over another would be better, or action over inaction for that matter - why are we taking action at all? If we think about our efforts as spending time and energy, we can more adequately understand that inaction may be a valuable skill, rather than a risk.
Published: 9/21/2022Length: ~6m↓ Download this Episode
You are not the sum of your decisions. Making better decisions often relies on having a long list of mistakes to learn from.
Published: 9/19/2022Length: ~9m↓ Download this Episode
How does the smartest person in the world solve the most complex problems that most mathemeticians can't even understand? The same way you write code and build features at your job. The principles always apply.
Published: 9/15/2022Length: ~9m↓ Download this Episode
Choose one thing. Only one important thing. Do that over and over. That's your way out of overwhelm.
Published: 9/12/2022Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
What people ask for is not the same as why they ask for it. What people want isn't as simple as what they say they want. Understanding the *why* is critical - the interest is just as important as the position.
Published: 9/9/2022Length: ~8m↓ Download this Episode