What is your learning strategy? If you don't have one, you are implicitly saying that all learning is equal. Learning is an investment of time. Choose what you invest in carefully.
Published: 1/9/2023Length: ~16m↓ Download this Episode
Developer Tea has been around for 8 years. Thank you so much for your incredible support over these years! In today's episode we discuss how it feels to be wrong.
Published: 1/5/2023Length: ~8m↓ Download this Episode
Most resolutions aren't as simple as saying something and then doing it. Instead, focus on breaking apart your resolution by looking at intent, strategy, tactics, and operations.
Published: 1/3/2023Length: ~14m↓ Download this Episode
Make a commitment to determine three requests that could change your life for the better, and the people you need to give those requests. Then, in the new year, make that a part of your resolutions.
Published: 12/23/2022Length: ~5m↓ Download this Episode
Complexity is an asset, but often it depreciates in value over time. Simplification strategies should evaluate what kind of value complexity is providing, and whether that could be replaced or if it doesn't provide sufficient exponential value versus the cost over time.
Published: 12/21/2022Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
Opportunity is in front of you every day. But, you may not recognize it at first, because you by default will likely imagine yourself to be an external observer. If you change that mental model, and view yourself as an active participant with the power to influence others, your perception of opportunity will follow.
Published: 12/15/2022Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
What will hold you back from achieving what you want to achieve in your future? How do you imagine your future, and what do you assume will keep you from going further? In today's episode, we'll do a visualization exercise to help understand the assumptions we make about our own problems and flaws, and why avoidance isn't helping us grow.
Published: 12/12/2022Length: ~11m↓ Download this Episode
Practical application of psychology can help us understand how to order our days more consciously. In this episode, we talk about priming and regression to the mean, and how they could impact our work as engineers and managers.
Published: 12/9/2022Length: ~13m↓ Download this Episode
AI and code generation will change your work... But it's time for us to find the path forward.
Published: 12/7/2022Length: ~5m↓ Download this Episode
AI and code generation will change your work... But it's time for us to find the path forward.
Published: 12/5/2022Length: ~5m↓ Download this Episode
Focus on things that provide asymmetrical upside. This is a personalized ROI evaluation. This is how you invest your time wisely.
Published: 11/30/2022Length: ~15m↓ Download this Episode
We imagine others are more interested in our mistakes or self-conscious areas than they are. We also imagine they pay little to no attention to us at most other times. Both of these are errors in judgment.
Published: 11/28/2022Length: ~5m↓ Download this Episode
We adapt to our circumstances. This dampens our capacity for gratitude, as we become less aware of what we are experiencing the longer we have the same experiences. In today's episode, we use a version of an exercise from Julia Galef's excellent book, The Scout Mindset, to help us break out of our status quo thinking and recognize what is in front of us.
Published: 11/24/2022Length: ~9m↓ Download this Episode
You know how to determine what would be a good decision. You have the tools and the reasoning; if you find yourself still not making the right decision, you may be tempted to focus on the "left side" - increasing the energy, gumption, reasoning, or motivation. Instead, focus on the barriers - the friction.
Published: 11/21/2022Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
Determining your values isn't just about fluff. This is what you personally care about. In this episode, we talk about two ways to use direct observation as a tool for determining your values, and why those values are not just buzzwords.
Published: 11/16/2022Length: ~19m↓ Download this Episode
Focus on what you can control. Create incentives and language and internal narrative that produces the right actions within your locus of control. Avoid attaching your definition of success to things outside of your control.
Published: 11/14/2022Length: ~13m↓ Download this Episode
Don't buy in to the lie that you have to overwork to succeed. Not only is it not true, it's also dangerous - and the opposite is more accurate.
Published: 11/10/2022Length: ~18m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode, I provide a simple coaching tip on improved communication for software engineers. It's simple: always make precision explicit, and layer context. Start with precision, then create meaning on top.
Published: 11/7/2022Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
We don't think about the unexpected as a category of possible outcomes. This leads us to assign overestimated probabilities to things that are front of mind, and discount the likelihood of things we don't expect. This may lead us to prepare for expected events without consideration for what we'll do in the face of the unexpected.
Published: 11/2/2022Length: ~13m↓ Download this Episode
Look closer at the things that don't happen. Evaluate the options you never considered. When you are looking back, don't just judge based on actions and outcomes - look at the quality of decisions through the lens of information, and wonder: was there a better decision? Was there an option that was nearly as good, but this one was better?
Published: 10/31/2022Length: ~9m↓ Download this Episode