Substitute with better questions, and you'll have more insightful answers. Questions are a major contributing factor to behavior, and the way you ask questions is a habit that can have a high-leverage cascading effect on the rest of your life. Find better questions.
Published: 11/23/2021Length: ~16m↓ Download this Episode
Focusing on fundamentals may seem boring, or like a sports catchphrase used to motivate people to practice. The truth is, these fundamentals are still going to be the most important value-making activities of your career. But as you continue participating in them, if you engage with intention, you will not simply be repeating the same thing over and over; you and your environment will change, sometimes as a result of those repeated cycles. You will gain intuition from the practice, and you will peel back layer after layer, developing intuition.
Published: 11/18/2021Length: ~10m↓ Download this Episode
Metamodeling is creating a model of models. Confused yet? When we use models, we often assume they are complete. But what characteristics could make all of our models better? That's the concept of metamodeling. We talk about creating metamodels and using steering feedback to derive value from one model to another.
Published: 11/16/2021Length: ~15m↓ Download this Episode
Stress often comes from pressure. When we experience pressure, we usually respond by trying to relieve it - often to the detriment of our work. In today's episode, we talk about the dangers of pressure, and some strategies to employ in the face of pressure.
Published: 11/11/2021Length: ~15m↓ Download this Episode
Confidence is often used as an artificial bluff, to help us feel less dread of failure. But this is problematic; when we put blinders on, we don't prepare adequately, often leading to blame-shifting and other techniques to maintain an inflated sense of confidence. Instead, choose bravery - the willingness to act in the face of uncertainty.
Published: 11/8/2021Length: ~9m↓ Download this Episode
What do you want to change? The things you do repeatedly have the most impact on your life. Focus on the systems that produce repeated behaviors. We talk about these as "engines" of behavior in today's episode, and help you figure out which ones to focus on the most.
Published: 11/2/2021Length: ~19m↓ Download this Episode
We continue talking about conducting a mindful job search in today's episode. The truth is, that next application you put in is probably not going to end in an accepted offer. Whether by your decision or theirs, most job applications go nowhere. In this episode we'll talk about how to deal with this reality, as well as some other myths of interviewing.
Published: 10/27/2021Length: ~18m↓ Download this Episode
If you've ever felt bad about looking for a job, or you're wondering if now is the right time because a bunch of coworkers or friends are on the move, this episode is for you. We talk about approaching making a career change decision mindfully, and considering how it will affect your internal happiness.
Published: 10/25/2021Length: ~22m↓ Download this Episode
Pick the right tool for the job. But who is picking? What tools can they choose from? And what is the actual job, anyway? This advice is important because it gives you a starting framework to answer some of the most important clarifying questions in any task of significance.
Published: 10/20/2021Length: ~15m↓ Download this Episode
You are much more likely to succeed with iteration than you are with a perfect first attempt. This is purely a function of probability, and is even more supported by the idea of progressive improvement. When you can iterate, it is a better route to higher confidence of success than perfect preparation.
Published: 10/18/2021Length: ~16m↓ Download this Episode
When you have to predict, you're likely to have error in your prediction. Sometimes that error is easily handled - other times, it can be catastrophic in effect. The next time you have the urge to predict into the future, ask yourself - what benefit do you gain from predicting this now? Can you avoid unnecessary prediction all together with a different route?
Published: 10/15/2021Length: ~17m↓ Download this Episode
Random choice may actually be your best bet. At the very least, starting with random is a good exercise in self control, and will help reveal information more easily than intuitive guessing might. Give random a chance!
Published: 10/13/2021Length: ~13m↓ Download this Episode
It's easy to believe that everyone you get along with agrees with you about anything and everything. The truth is harder to confront, but often, this illusion can cause problems - especially when you actually want diverse perspectives. In this episode, we talk about two types of illusion of agreement, and how you might combat them.
Published: 10/7/2021Length: ~17m↓ Download this Episode
The number of things you have to choose to do in a day is constantly being fought over. Your calendar, if it's like most calendars, has very little to do with how you *want* to spend your time. Limit your options. Focus on fewer things. Eliminate your obligations.
Published: 10/4/2021Length: ~13m↓ Download this Episode
When we understand the features and boundaries of any object, we can do more with that object based on those constraints. This doesn't just apply to code - it applies to our lives in meaningful ways, and acts as a heuristic and a powerful model for thinking.
Published: 9/29/2021Length: ~16m↓ Download this Episode
Averages can trick you into thinking a generalized idea about a complex set of data. This kind of compression happens not only with averages but any other process that summarizes information. Ask yourself: What am I missing in this story?
Published: 9/27/2021Length: ~21m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode, I have a discussion about product development and counter-intuitive decisions Dom had to make along the way in making Around ( This is part two of the interview - make sure you go back and listen to the first part as well!
Published: 9/22/2021Length: ~27m↓ Download this Episode
In today's episode, I have a discussion about product development and counter-intuitive decisions Dom had to make along the way in making Around.
Published: 9/20/2021Length: ~28m↓ Download this Episode
Context is critical, but what does that mean? What are the parts of context you should care about? In this episode, we talk specifically about temporal context, and how you can think about context in terms of "inner" and "outer" layers.
Published: 9/16/2021Length: ~19m↓ Download this Episode
"What do I do about this?" This question is one that can trigger action, even in a moment of pain. When we make a clear decision about how we are going to react to our situation, we immediately change the narrative from "this is happening to me" to "this is what I'm choosing to do." This agency is critical to processing and managing difficult situations, and it will change how we relate to our experiences for the better.
Published: 9/13/2021Length: ~17m↓ Download this Episode