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Baby Announcement

Published 6/28/2017

Transcript (Generated by OpenAI Whisper)
Hey everyone and welcome to a very special announcement episode of Developer Tea. If you haven't been following the show then you may not know that my son is due actually on the day this episode is going to air. My wife and I, we are having our first son, his name is Liam, and he will be due on the day this episode airs. So we've been taking a few episodes off as we prepare for his arrival. And after he arrives there may be a few episodes that are re-aired episodes, some of our favorites from the past two and a half years. If you're like most people you probably haven't listened to every episode. So this may be a good opportunity for some of you to hear some of the things in the back catalog of the Developer Tea. The years that we've been doing this now. It's kind of amazing that we've been doing it for over two years and actually so many people who still listen to this show have been listening for that long. And I know I say thank you so many times at the end of every episode. You guys probably have gotten used to this but I really do appreciate how many people are listening to this show. I feel very lucky and very blessed to have the audience who listens to this show, the people who write in, the people who have shared their personal stories with me. You shared questions with me, some of you have actually shared time personally in person with me. I feel like you all are close to me and you're close to my family. You mean a lot to me and I wanted to share this message with you just to share kind of a personal moment with you in my life. And I think it's very important that we all do this with the people that we work with, with the people that surround us every day rather than withdrawing instead we should open up to each other. So thank you again for being a part of this audience, for being a part of my family's life. And for continuing to listen to the show, it truly does mean a lot to me personally to be able to get on a mic and share some ideas, share some thoughts and actually be able to help people who are listening to this podcast. So thank you so much for listening. We're going to have some really great guests, some people that I really admire coming on the show very soon. So make sure you subscribe and whatever podcasting up you use as always. And until next time, enjoy your tea.