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Published 2/5/2016

In today's episode, I talk about turbulence, and a new approach to responding to difficulties you encounter.

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Developer Tea is proudly supported by Dev Bootcamp, the original immersive coding program that transforms beginners into full-stack web developers. Head over to devbootcamp.com/developertea to learn more.

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Transcript (Generated by OpenAI Whisper)
Hey everyone and welcome to Developer Tea. My name is Jonathan Cutrell and in today's episode I'm going to be talking to you about how to deal with turbulence. Today's episode is sponsored by Dev Boot Camp. Dev Boot Camp is a short term immersive software development program that transforms those who are new to coding into job-ready full-stack web developers. We will talk a little bit more about Dev Boot Camp later on in today's episode. When I was young my dad would take me and the rest of our family flying. He was the pilot. Dad has had a private pilot's license for longer than I've been alive. Now you may expect that this is a child's dream scenario, getting to fly pretty much anytime they wanted to. But the thing was I was incredibly sensitive to turbulence and I get pretty sick and perhaps more importantly easily frightened when we would fly. This was especially true whenever we flew over mountainous regions. One day dad explained to me how as the airplane moved through the air the air kind of treated the airplane like a river treats a stick that's floating downstream. If that river has a rock in it the water flowing over the rock might rise a bit then fall back down, go to the left or the right, fitting to the contour of the riverbed. He taught me this not because it would change the experience of the turbulence or somehow fix my intolerance but instead it would change the way I thought about the turbulence. Today I want to talk to you about turbulence but as it relates to programming languages and practices and perhaps even can be applied more broadly to some of your life experiences. I experienced this today as I was working with a developer we happened upon a problem with a front-end view we were working on. We tried pushing some items into a set of arrays in the view and we kept on hitting errors. We couldn't for example modify an array that was nested inside of another array and instead we had to modify the top level array and it got messy really fast. Anyway the particulars aren't necessarily important. After about 30 minutes of googling and fixing one thing just to break another we realized something profound that if we did this particular data transformation elsewhere more specifically if we had done it not in our view we could have been done practically moments after we started. It struck me shortly after that this wasn't a mistake in the design of the language. Instead this was part of the design of this particular language of you templating syntax to be exact that disallowed us from manipulating data to a significant extent. Now why would a language be designed to be harder to use? We'll talk about that after I discuss today's sponsor Dev Bootcamp. Are you thinking about becoming a software developer? Check out Dev Bootcamp. Dev Bootcamp is a short term immersive software development program that transforms those who are new to coding into job ready full stack web developers. Learn front and back in web development, teamwork and leadership skills in a rigorous and inclusive environment. In just 19 weeks you can join over 1,900 graduates and counting. Dev Bootcamp has several locations around the country and is accepting applications now. So visit devbootcamp.com slash Developer Teato learn more and let the folks at Dev Bootcamp know the Euro listener of Developer Tea. Thanks so much to Dev Bootcamp for sponsoring today's episode. So we left off talking about the experience I had at work today the front end templating language that wouldn't allow me to manipulate a raise of data I was working with. And this kind of thing happens a lot doesn't it? You expect a language or a tool or perhaps even a person to behave a particular way and it or they simply won't cooperate. This could be a major point of frustration if you let it be. Or you can recognize that usually things are the way they are for a purpose or at the very least they are the way they are for a reason. In my particular case with a front end templating language what do you think the reason or purpose was for this seeming lack of features? Perhaps the syntax was incomplete or somehow designed poorly but there's a deeper more meaningful possibility here that we haven't explored. Perhaps the designer of the syntax is encouraging me through the design of the syntax. He's encouraging me the developer to use the templating language in the way it was intended to be used. If you've worked in structures like MVC you've likely heard the advice of separating your logic and your data from your view. As my coworker and I sat looking at the code we realized that we were in some serious turbulence. I took a step back and asked maybe this is how this is supposed to be. And so the code was rewritten and we floated down the river moving through that turbulence and back onto our original course. We could accomplish what we wanted to accomplish because we responded to the turbulence not by pushing against it but by letting it guide us. I encourage you as you encounter things that push back against you as you encounter turbulence be it from code or for anything else then instead of struggling against it first ask the most important questions you can ask when you encounter problems. Specifically ask the question why. It's very easy to assume that we know the answer to that question. As a young child I assume that turbulence ultimately meant something bad was happening that that was the why of the turbulence. It was only after I understood thanks to my dad's help that turbulence was there for a reason that I could think differently and ultimately react to that turbulence with calmness. I hope you've enjoyed this episode of Developer Tea and this quick discussion about turbulence and about allowing turbulence to guide you rather than you fighting against that turbulence. Once again today is episode is sponsored by Dev Bootcamp. Dev Bootcamp is an immersive coding program that transforms beginners into full stack web developers head over to devbootcamp.com slash Developer Teato learn more. Thank you again to devbootcamp for sponsoring today's episode and thank you for listening to Developer Tea. If you're enjoying this show make sure you subscribe in whatever podcasting app you use pretty much in any podcasting app allows you to subscribe and by the way the Apple TV just now launched their podcasting app in the latest update to the Apple TV so make sure you subscribe there as well. Thank you so much for listening until next time enjoy your tea.